Student Elections: Campaign Material

As Facebook’s time hop feature informs me; It’s Student election season, so for a trip down memory lane I thought is preserve my ill-fated campaign material on this design blog.

As well as the digital artwork students were allowed to print various leaflets to hand out on campus. I did 4 variants based on different aspects of my manifesto:

And like all loosers of a sabbatical election, I went for
Re using the same/similar designs I ran for the Marketing Officer of NaSTA (National Student Television Association)

This election I won against a formidably ginger opponent from Nottingham and I went on to become the longest serving exec member in NaSTA History*. A full breakdown of the artwork I did while serving as the Marketing Officer can be found under:‘NaSTA: Designs and Campaigns’


*Longest serving in a single position for 2 and 1/3 terms.